Agata_Lyod2018-12-12 15:19:34
Agata_Lyod, 2018-12-12 15:19:34

Why did the audio plugin stop working correctly after updating jQuery?

The audio plugin (player with its own styles) stopped working after switching to JQuery 3.3.1
Worked up to version 1.5.2 inclusive, problems begin with 1.6.0. I see that in general it loads and removes the control panel by default, even loads its styles. But not all functions are executed, for example, the track duration is not loaded (writes NaN:NaN) after turning on the audio, the current time also becomes NaN:NaN. The pause button is not being pressed. I suspect that the time variable is not specified correctly, perhaps the wrong .bind method. Maybe the problems are more serious. jQuery Migrate and browser console doesn't show any errors.

Staying on the ancient version is no way at all, all new plugins work on 3.3.1.

(function($) {
    // plugin definition
    $.fn.gAudio = function(options) {       
        // build main options before element iteration      
        var defaults = {
            theme: 'simpledark',
            childtheme: ''
        var options = $.extend(defaults, options);
        // iterate and reformat each matched element
        return this.each(function() {
            var $gAudio = $(this);
            //create html structure
            //main wrapper
            var $audio_wrap = $('<div></div>').addClass('i-latter-compositions__audio-player').addClass(options.theme).addClass(options.childtheme);
            //controls wraper
            var $audio_controls = $('<div class="i-latter-compositions__audio-controls"><a class="i-latter-compositions__audio-play" title="Play/Pause"></a><div class="i-latter-compositions__audio-seek"></div><div class="i-latter-compositions__audio-timer">0:00</div><div class="i-latter-compositions__audio-duration"></div></div>');
            //get new elements
            var $audio_container = $gAudio.parent('.i-latter-compositions__audio-player');
            var $audio_controls = $('.i-latter-compositions__audio-controls', $audio_container);
            var $ghinda_play_btn = $('.i-latter-compositions__audio-play', $audio_container);
            var $ghinda_audio_seek = $('.i-latter-compositions__audio-seek', $audio_container);
            var $ghinda_audio_timer = $('.i-latter-compositions__audio-timer', $audio_container);
            var $ghinda_audio_duration = $('.i-latter-compositions__audio-duration', $audio_container);

            //$audio_controls.hide(); // keep the controls hidden
            var gPlay = function() {
                if($gAudio.attr('paused') == false) {
                } else {
            $gAudio.bind('play', function() {
            $gAudio.bind('pause', function() {
            $gAudio.bind('ended', function() {
            var seeksliding;
            var createSeek = function() {
                if($gAudio.attr('readyState')) {
                    var audio_duration = $gAudio.attr('duration');
                        value: 0,
                        step: 0.01,
                        orientation: "horizontal",
                        range: "min",
                        max: audio_duration,
                        animate: true,
                        slide: function(){
                            seeksliding = true;
                            seeksliding = false;
                } else {
                    setTimeout(createSeek, 150);

            var gTimeFormat=function(seconds){
                var m=Math.floor(seconds/60)<10?""+Math.floor(seconds/60):Math.floor(seconds/60);
                var s=Math.floor(seconds-(m*60))<10?"0"+Math.floor(seconds-(m*60)):Math.floor(seconds-(m*60));
                return m+":"+s;
            var seekUpdate = function() {
                var currenttime = $gAudio.attr('currentTime');
                if(!seeksliding) $ghinda_audio_seek.slider('value', currenttime);

            var duration = $gAudio.attr('duration');
            $gAudio.bind('timeupdate', seekUpdate); 
    // plugin defaults
    $.fn.gAudio.defaults = {


Скрипты подключаются в HTML перед закрывающим тэгом body в таком порядке
<code lang="html">
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/plugins/OwlCarousel2-2.3.4/dist/owl.carousel.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/plugins/jquery-ui-1.8.2.custom.min.js" defer></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/dist/script.js" defer></script>
    function getPlayer() {

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2 answer(s)
Agata_Lyod, 2018-12-12

I have read all the documentation - at the moment the problem was solved by replacing the attr method with the prop method. Suddenly someone will come in handy. Found the line with the error by moving the line $audio_controls.show(); from the beginning down through the code until the control panel is gone.

Ainur Valiev, 2018-12-12

it's easier to load the old version next to the new one with a space task. names.

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