Nikita2021-12-12 20:16:41
Nikita, 2021-12-12 20:16:41

Why did Python commands stop working?

I'm trying to understand Python and telebot, the /start commands and the "hello/bye" text message worked and are working properly, the /test1, /test2 commands worked, but the other two did not work, I corrected them a little, they started working, but after restarting the program , everything stopped working except for the /start command and the "hello/bye" text message. Tell me what's wrong

import telebot
import sys
from requests import get
from config3 import TOKEN

bot = telebot.TeleBot(TOKEN);

def start(message):
  bot.send_message(message.chat.id, 'Команда старт!')

def send_text(message):
    if message.text.lower() == 'привет':
        bot.send_message(message.chat.id, 'Привет, мой создатель')
    elif message.text.lower() == 'пока':
        bot.send_message(message.chat.id, 'Прощай, создатель')

def test_q(message):
  bot.send_message(message.chat.id, 'ТЕСТ1')
  bot.send_photo(message.chat.id, get('https://ie.wampi.ru/2021/12/12/kitten0.jpg').content)

def test_w(message):
  bot.send_message(message.chat.id, 'ТЕСТ2')
  bot.send_photo(message.chat.id, photo=open('demo-media\pics\kitten1.jpg', 'rb'))

def test_e(message):
  bot.send_message(message.chat.id, 'ТЕСТ3')
  voice=open(r'demo-media\ogg\test3.ogg', 'rb')
  bot.send_voise(message.chat.id, voise)

def test_r(message):
    bot.send_message(message.chat.id, 'ТЕСТ4')
    audio = open(r'D:\Python\bot3\demo-media\music\Mneskin_-_Beggin_52795146.mp3', 'rb')
    bot.send_audio(message.chat.id, audio)


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3 answer(s)
soremix, 2021-12-12

Such large decorators should be defined somewhere at the very bottom. @bot.message_handler(content_types=['text'])
What's going on: write /test, the library is looking for which function to throw this message into. And sends it all to , because although it looks like a command, it is still text. Therefore, the top decorator is fired, which catches all text messages. def send_text(message):/test

Matvey, 2021-12-12

Try to specify at the end instead of bot.polling() Or put the test_q() function after all the commands The problem is that your script goes in order. First start, then the test_q() function, on which it stops, waiting for messages. And only then goes to the rest of the teams

fox777777777, 2021-12-13

The first should be commands=...
then content_type=...

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