Alexey Sudnikovich2015-03-31 18:52:49
Alexey Sudnikovich, 2015-03-31 18:52:49

Why did debug stop working in PHP Storm 8.0.1?

Actually, this problem arose after installing a new PHPStorm on a new Windows 7, on a new SSD. Previously (by default), when you press shift + f10 (debug), step-by-step debugging was launched. Where I could poke f7 to execute the script line by line. Now, when debugging is started, the script is simply executed. Breakpoints do not help either - before my eyes only the result of the work and "Process finished with exit code 0".
Well, at the same time the second problem that arose after upgrading to 8.0.1 on the old system. The debug then worked, but when you run it, instead of the Debugger tab where you can see the states of all variables, by default, Console opens every time. It was very annoying to switch from the console tab to the debugger every time. On both of my questions, I googled and asked more than once, but so far, alas, to no avail. Maybe someone here will be able to tell, I will be grateful, because without debugging in ide it's not very fun.

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4 answer(s)
Alexey Sudnikovich, 2015-04-10

Actually the problem was not in the IDE at all. Apparently in the new version of Open Server something has been changed or broken. I solved the problem by manually installing apache+php+xdebug. Everything works as it should.

Alexander Makarov, 2015-03-31

Did you forget to install XDebug?

Rain Summers, 2015-04-07

XDebug + Xdebug helper
+ editing configs in php.ini

Povorotti, 2015-06-11

Try xdebug.extended_info = 1 Helped

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