artanets12015-01-25 22:23:49
Raspberry Pi
artanets1, 2015-01-25 22:23:49

Why can't windows see the files on the raspberry pi memory card?

I am learning to work with raspberry pi. I connected a camera to the raspberry pi and took a few photos. I rearranged the memory card in windows and I see only system files. How to find photos?

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3 answer(s)
kalapanga, 2015-01-26

On the card, the Linux file system is ext2 or ext3. Windows does not read it. Search and install the driver or communicate on the grid.

Sergey Lerg, 2015-01-26

Look somewhere in the user directory /home/pi

romanychev_roman, 2015-01-28

put ExtFS for Windows from Paragon, it connects a virtual disk to a flash drive and sees ext 3

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