Vasily Volk2020-11-30 15:11:52
Vasily Volk, 2020-11-30 15:11:52

Why can't the bot add a user to administrators?

The bot has administrator rights (to assign admins, including), while using the promote_chat_member function, I get an error of this nature:
Unauthorized: Forbidden: right_forbidden

@dp.message_handler (Command("admin", prefixes="!/"))
async def admin(message: types.Message):
    Chat = message.chat.id
    user = message.from_user.id
    await bot.promote_chat_member(user_id=user,chat_id=Chat,can_edit_messages=True)

thanks in advance for your reply

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2 answer(s)
SunnyWolf, 2020-11-30

@dp.message_handler (Command("admin", prefixes="!/"))
async def admin(message: types.Message):
    Chat = message.chat.id
    await bot.promote_chat_member(user_id="",chat_id=Chat,can_edit_messages=True)

Your user_id is empty, right?

antonwx, 2020-11-30

So, for a moment, if this is about discord, then the administrator cannot give the role of his own group. Even if he is an administrator, the group he gives out must be strictly lower than the one to which he belongs. Just create another group with the same rights right after the bot and issue it.

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