Alexis_D2019-06-15 09:31:17
Alexis_D, 2019-06-15 09:31:17

Why can't I get the value from each Advanced Custom Fields product?

Good day, I have an int store built on Woocommerce, I have a group of fields created using Advanced Custom Fields, I made the display of this group of fields in each product and set the default value to, say, 1500. I import products using WP All Import and these imported products are displayed with a zero price, in function.php I wrote a code that changes the price, according to the formula I need, I take one of the values ​​\u200b\u200bfrom this very group of fields from each product, I found the reason for displaying a zero price - the value (1500), which is set by default , is entered into the formula as 0, that is, now I will show an abbreviated formula for a good example:

function my_price($price, $_product){
  $number = get_field('number', $post->ID); 
 	$new_price = $number ;
  return $new_price; 

add_filter('woocommerce_product_get_price', 'my_price',100,2);

$number is the value from the product, which should be 1500 by default, but equals 0, I don’t understand what the problem is, but if you go to the product and click refresh, everything works, what could be the reason?
Thanks in advance for your reply!

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1 answer(s)
Pychev Anatoly, 2019-06-15

Well, the first thing that rushed was the absence global $post;at the beginning of the function. Although you get the $_product variable in the function arguments, this is a product object, then take $_product->get_id()it from it, and then $post is not needed.
What works, Are the products with the correct price unloaded?
Ran your code, it works.

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