AlexAll2018-10-27 16:11:12
AlexAll, 2018-10-27 16:11:12

Why Bad Request image (#400) in yii2?

I am editing a post, when I click Save, I get an error Bad Request (# 400)
I found out that the error is due to the output of the picture, if this code is removed from the form view

   $img = $image->getPostImg($model->id);

                 echo Html::img('https://site.ku/frontend/web/' . $img->name, $options = ['id' => 'blah', 'style' => ['width' => '180px']]);


then the error disappears and everything is saved, the field itself remains and works fine
<?= $form->field($image, 'image')->fileInput(['id' => 'images-image', 'name' => 'Images[image]']) ?>

And when I go to edit the post and look at the source code, there is a picture there, but it is not displayed, and when you click on the link of this picture, they give the same error, but the picture is there
<img id="blah" src="https://site.ku/frontend/web/uploads/post/post_5bd33b14ab799.png" alt="" style="width: 180px;">

I do it in the admin panel in the backend from the admin with registered access and save the pictures in the frontend
'access' => [
                'class' => AccessControl::className(),
                'rules' => [
                        'allow' => true,
                        'roles' => ['AdminPanel'],

I take it this is a permissions error? what's wrong?

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1 answer(s)
Kirill Arutyunov, 2018-10-27

Check if the form has a CSRF token. Most often, this error is precisely because of him. Especially if the logs say "failed to check the data."

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