zlodiak2018-03-24 20:19:09
zlodiak, 2018-03-24 20:19:09

Why aren't console.logs being output?

There are two related components, one embedded in the other. The first component generates values, the second outputs them.

private rows: Array<any> = [];
  constructor() {
    for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      this.rows.push(Math.random().toString(30).substring(2, 10));
    setInterval(() => {      
      const ind = Math.ceil(Math.random()*10);
      this.rows[ind] = '--------';
      console.log('interval', ind);
    }, 2500)

@Input() public data: string;

  constructor() { 

  ngOnInit() {

  ngOnChanges(): void {
  get rowData(): string {
    console.debug('getting row data');
    return this.data;

The problem is that the second component doesn't output any console.log(). Please help me understand why and correct the situation.
Here's a sandbox with a minimal example

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1 answer(s)
0xD34F, 2018-03-24

The problem is that the second component doesn't output any console.log().

Because you don't have a single console.log there - there is console.debug.
Your browser is Chrome, right? - it does not display debug by default. The console has a drop-down list that lists the types of messages that need to be displayed - Verbose, Info, Warnings, Errors - check all. Well, or replace debug with log.

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