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Why aren't AdMob standard event handlers firing?
People, something is already not working for me at all (
Maybe you will see with a fresh mind what is wrong and why this code does not work?
At the very beginning of the script execution, I subscribe the standard events of the AdMob ad units to the corresponding ad units, handlers don't fire, code inside them doesn't execute What am I doing wrong?
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using GoogleMobileAds;
using GoogleMobileAds.Api;
public class GoogleADS : MonoBehaviour {
public static GoogleADS Instance { get { return instance; } }
private static GoogleADS instance;
private const string bottomBanner = "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/6300978111";
private const string InterstitialId = "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/1033173712";
public static int ShowPersonalizedAds = 1;
private static BannerView BottomAd;
private static InterstitialAd IntAds;
public bool AdsInitialized = false;
void Awake(){
if (GoogleADS.instance == null) {
DontDestroyOnLoad (this);
instance = this;
Invoke ("InitializeAds", 1f);
void InitializeAds(){
MobileAds.Initialize ("ca-app-pub-3940256099942544~3347511713");
PrepareBanner ();
PrepareInterstitial ();
AdsInitialized = true;
Debug.Log("Ads initialized: " + AdsInitialized.ToString());
BottomAd.OnAdLoaded += BannerLoaded;
BottomAd.OnAdFailedToLoad += BannerFailedToLoad;
IntAds.OnAdLoaded += InterstitialLoaded;
IntAds.OnAdFailedToLoad += InterstitialFailedToLoad;
IntAds.OnAdClosed += InterstitialClosed;
public static void CheckPersonalization(){
if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey ("PersonalizedAds")) {
ShowPersonalizedAds = PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("PersonalizedAds");
if (ShowPersonalizedAds == 1) {
Debug.Log ("Персонализированная реклама разрешена к показу");
} else {
Debug.Log ("Персонализированная реклама запрещена");
} else {
ShowPersonalizedAds = 0;
Debug.Log ("Персонализированная реклама запрещена");
void PrepareBanner(){
Debug.Log ("Banner: отправляем запрос на загрузку рекламы");
BottomAd = new BannerView (bottomBanner, AdSize.SmartBanner, AdPosition.Bottom);
AdRequest bannerRequest = new AdRequest.Builder ()
.AddTestDevice (AdRequest.TestDeviceSimulator)
.AddTestDevice (SystemInfo.deviceUniqueIdentifier.ToUpper())
.Build ();
BottomAd.LoadAd (bannerRequest);
void PrepareInterstitial(){
Debug.Log("Interstitial: отправляем запрос на загрузку рекламы");
IntAds = new InterstitialAd (InterstitialId);
AdRequest intAdRequest = new AdRequest.Builder ()
.AddTestDevice (AdRequest.TestDeviceSimulator)
.AddTestDevice (SystemInfo.deviceUniqueIdentifier.ToUpper())
.Build ();
IntAds.LoadAd (intAdRequest);
public static void ShowInterstitial (){
if (IntAds.IsLoaded ()) {
IntAds.Show ();
Debug.Log ("Interstitial: показываем рекламу");
} else {
Debug.LogWarning ("Interstitial: реклама ещё не загрузилась");
public static void HideBanner(){
if (BottomAd != null) {
BottomAd.Hide ();
public static void ShowBanner(){
if (BottomAd != null) {
BottomAd.Show ();
public void BannerFailedToLoad (object sender, AdFailedToLoadEventArgs args){
Debug.LogError ("Banner: Реклама не загрузилась");
Debug.LogError (args.Message);
public void BannerLoaded (object sender, EventArgs args){
Debug.Log ("Banner: Реклама загрузилась");
public void InterstitialFailedToLoad (object sender, AdFailedToLoadEventArgs args){
Debug.LogError ("Interstitial: Реклама не загрузилась");
Debug.LogError (args.Message);
public void InterstitialLoaded (object sender, EventArgs args){
Debug.Log ("Interstitial: Реклама загрузилась");
public void InterstitialClosed (object sender, EventArgs args){
Debug.Log ("Interstitial: Реклама закрыта кнопкой 'закрыть'");
IntAds.Destroy ();
PrepareInterstitial ();
void OnDestroy() {
BottomAd.OnAdLoaded -= BannerLoaded;
BottomAd.OnAdFailedToLoad -= BannerFailedToLoad;
IntAds.OnAdLoaded -= InterstitialLoaded;
IntAds.OnAdFailedToLoad -= InterstitialFailedToLoad;
IntAds.OnAdClosed -= InterstitialClosed;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System;
using GoogleMobileAds;
using GoogleMobileAds.Api;
public class RewardedVideo : MonoBehaviour {
private const string video_id = "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/5224354917";
public static RewardBasedVideoAd videoAD;
bool isAdLoading = false;
public bool ad_ready = false;
public bool failed = false;
void Start () {
// Чтобы не дублировать Instance, проверяем, существует ли он
if (videoAD == null) {
videoAD = RewardBasedVideoAd.Instance;
videoAD.OnAdLoaded += HandleOnAdLoaded;
videoAD.OnAdFailedToLoad += HandleOnAdFailedToLoad;
videoAD.OnAdOpening += HandleOnAdOpening;
videoAD.OnAdStarted += HandleOnAdStarted;
videoAD.OnAdClosed += HandleOnAdClosed;
videoAD.OnAdRewarded += HandleOnAdRewarded;
videoAD.OnAdLeavingApplication += HandleOnAdLeavingApplication;
public void LoadVideoAd(){
Debug.Log ("VideoAD: Отправляем запрос. Грузим рекламу");
videoAD.LoadAd (new AdRequest.Builder ()
.AddTestDevice (AdRequest.TestDeviceSimulator)
.AddTestDevice (SystemInfo.deviceUniqueIdentifier.ToUpper())
.Build (), video_id);
isAdLoading = true;
public void Prepare(){
failed = false;
Debug.LogWarning ("Кнопка подсказки нажата");
GoogleADS.HideBanner ();
public void showAd(){
// Пробуем показать рекламу
Debug.Log ("Не удалось загрузить видеорекламу");
if (ad_ready) {
Debug.Log ("VideoAD: Показываем рекламу");
videoAD.Show ();
if (isAdLoading & !ad_ready & !failed) {
Debug.Log ("VideoAD: Реклама всё ещё грузится. К показу не готова. Ждём и проверяем готовность каждые 3 секунды");
Invoke ("showAd", 3);
if (!isAdLoading & !ad_ready & !failed) {
Debug.Log ("VideoAD: Нет текущих запросов. Отправляем новый запрос и ждём загрузку");
Invoke ("showAd", 3);
public void HandleOnAdLoaded (object sender, EventArgs args){
Debug.Log ("VideoAD: Реклама загружена, всё готово к показу");
isAdLoading = false;
ad_ready = true;
public void HandleOnAdFailedToLoad (object sender, AdFailedToLoadEventArgs args){
Debug.LogError ("VideoAD: Ошибка. Реклама не загрузилась");
isAdLoading = false;
failed = true;
Debug.LogError (args.Message);
public void HandleOnAdOpening (object sender, EventArgs args){
public void HandleOnAdStarted (object sender, EventArgs args){
public void HandleOnAdClosed (object sender, EventArgs args){
Debug.Log ("VideoAD: Реклама закрыта кнопкой 'закрыть'");
ad_ready = false;
//LoadVideoAd ();
public void HandleOnAdRewarded (object sender, Reward args){
Debug.Log ("VideoAD: Реклама успешно показана. Получаем вознаграждение");
//Debug.Log ("reward gained: " + args.Amount + " " + args.Type);
ad_ready = false;
public void HandleOnAdLeavingApplication(object sender, EventArgs args){
Debug.Log ("VideoAD: По рекламе кликнули, пользователь покидает приложение");
ad_ready = false;
void OnDestroy(){
videoAD.OnAdLoaded -= HandleOnAdLoaded;
videoAD.OnAdFailedToLoad -= HandleOnAdFailedToLoad;
videoAD.OnAdOpening -= HandleOnAdOpening;
videoAD.OnAdStarted -= HandleOnAdStarted;
videoAD.OnAdClosed -= HandleOnAdClosed;
videoAD.OnAdRewarded -= HandleOnAdRewarded;
videoAD.OnAdLeavingApplication -= HandleOnAdLeavingApplication;
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The new version of the plugin for Unity - AdMob has bugs due to which it does not work
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