Alexander2019-01-26 17:38:00
Alexander, 2019-01-26 17:38:00

Why are WooCommerce blog posts displayed instead of products?

I'm pulling a theme for WordPress, I started to pull the product page, installed WooCommerce, set it up, added a couple of test products, as a result, on the mysite/shop page, instead of products, the archive page (archive.php) is displayed. What can be wrong? Moreover, the page with the product itself is displayed correctly.

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1 answer(s)
Orkhan Hasanli, 2019-01-26

It's hard to say anything without seeing the source code. But you need to do the following:
1) copy the contents of templates to your theme's woocommrce folder, and then refine it.
2) create templates for the vocoder yourself. But for example, the cycle code needs to be corrected. etc. There are many different nuances. See documentation
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