MFilonen22021-06-01 13:01:48
Digital certificates
MFilonen2, 2021-06-01 13:01:48

Why are there such strict restrictions on viewing sites with untrusted HTTPS certificates?

When a site's certificate is not trusted, running it on MacOS involves entering an administrator password.
There is a hidden setting in chrome to disable this even for localhost.
To disable the check mode in chrome, you need to run it from the terminal with the appropriate argument.

Why is that? Can HTTPS with an untrusted certificate be less secure than HTTP? After all, HTTP sites are perfectly viewed without any warnings.

Now the difficulty of launching is as if you are giving full access to the system for some program. But it's still a site that can't get out of its sandbox...

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2 answer(s)
Vladimir Korotenko, 2021-06-01

The problem is historical. Previously, ssl was set only for registration and payment. Now it has become much cheaper and it is shoved everywhere, I personally think this is nonsense. What's the difference to watch the series through ssl or not? Although it certainly has proxy servers went to one place. And the server not only encrypts, but also encrypts for each client. That is, instead of 2 gigs, it gives 2 gigs multiplied by the number of clients.

CityCat4, 2021-06-01

https fell victim to the political clashes of the state vs corporations

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