DrunkMaster2017-08-07 22:18:06
DrunkMaster, 2017-08-07 22:18:06

Why are SVG styled this way?

The question following the example https://codepen.io/anon/pen/GvWpdg is prepared in AI and uploaded by layers.
The loks themselves are containers g id="layer1/2/3 why then the styles for them, and specifically the background color, are set in:


They don’t even have the same numbers, with an increase in the number of blocks, it’s time to spit to get confused. You can somehow put it in order, such that the illustrator would create them in order; layer1 has styles st1, layer2 has st2, etc. And then some chaos ...

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1 answer(s)
Maxim Timofeev, 2017-08-07

Ask developers ai. Here we can only sympathize. What are you waiting for? This is how the software works, it is multifunctional and not particularly sharpened for svg, it was created for other purposes. Try inkscape

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