loser programmer2020-11-03 23:04:55
loser programmer, 2020-11-03 23:04:55

Why am I getting an Invalid syntax error?


import pygame
from settings import *
from map import world_map

def mapping(a, b):
    return (a // TILE) * TILE, (b // TILE) * TILE

def ray_casting(sc, player_pos, player_angle,textures):
    ox, oy = player_pos
    xm, ym = mapping(ox, oy)
    cur_angle = player_angle - HALF_FOV
    for ray in range(NUM_RAYS):
        sin_a = math.sin(cur_angle)
        cos_a = math.cos(cur_angle)
        sin_a = sin_a if sin_a else 0.000001
        cos_a = cos_a if cos_a else 0.000001

        # verticals
        x, dx = (xm + TILE, 1) if cos_a >= 0 else (xm, -1)
        for i in range(0, WIDTH, TILE):
            depth_v = (x - ox) / cos_a
            yv = oy + depth_v * sin_a
            tile_v = mapping(x + dx , yv)
            if tile_v in world_map:
                texture_v = world_map[tile_v]
            x += dx * TILE

        # horizontals
        y, dy = (ym + TILE, 1) if sin_a >= 0 else (ym, -1)
        for i in range(0, HEIGHT, TILE):
            depth_h = (y - oy) / sin_a
            xh = ox + depth_h * cos_a
            tile_h = mapping(xh , y + dy)
            if tile_h in world_map:
                texture_h = world_map[tile_h]
            y += dy * TILE

        # projection
        depth, offset, texture= (depth_v,yv , texture_v) if depth_v < depth_h else (depth_h , xh, texture_h)
        offset = int(offset) % TILE
        depth *= math.cos(player_angle - cur_angle)
        depth =  max(depth , 0.00001)
        proj_height = min(int(PROJ_COEFF / depth),2 * HEIGHT)

        wall_column = texture[textures].subsurface((offset * TEXTURE_SCALE, 0, TEXTURE_SCALE, TEXTURE_HEIGHT)
        wall_column = pygame.transform.scale(wall_column, (SCALE, proj_height))
        sc.blit(wall_column, (ray * SCALE, HALF_HEIGHT - proj_height // 2))

        cur_angle += DELTA_ANGLE

Error :
raycasting.py", line 50 wall_column = pygame.transform.scale
(wall_column, (SCALE, proj_height))
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

import pygame
from settings import *
from raycasting import ray_casting
from map import mini_map

class Drawing:
    def __init__(self, sc, sc_map):
        self.sc = sc
        self.sc_map = sc_map
        self.font = pygame.font.SysFont('Arial', 36, bold=True)
        self.textures =  {'1':pygame.image.load('img/1.png').convert(),
                         '2': pygame.image.load('img/2.png').convert()}

    def background(self):
        pygame.draw.rect(self.sc, SKYBLUE, (0, 0, WIDTH, HALF_HEIGHT))
        pygame.draw.rect(self.sc, DARKGRAY, (0, HALF_HEIGHT, WIDTH, HALF_HEIGHT))

    def world(self, player_pos, player_angle):
        ray_casting(self.sc, player_pos, player_angle, self.textures)

    def fps(self, clock):
        display_fps = str(int(clock.get_fps()))
        render = self.font.render(display_fps, 0, RED)
        self.sc.blit(render, FPS_POS)

    def mini_map(self, player):
        map_x, map_y = player.x // MAP_SCALE, player.y // MAP_SCALE
        pygame.draw.line(self.sc_map, YELLOW, (map_x, map_y), (map_x + 12 * math.cos(player.angle),
                                                 map_y + 12 * math.sin(player.angle)), 2)
        pygame.draw.circle(self.sc_map, RED, (int(map_x), int(map_y)), 5)
        for x, y in mini_map:
            pygame.draw.rect(self.sc_map, GREEN, (x, y, MAP_TILE, MAP_TILE))
        self.sc.blit(self.sc_map, MAP_POS)

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1 answer(s)
soremix, 2020-11-03

The bracket is not closed

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