cester2019-11-17 12:56:53
cester, 2019-11-17 12:56:53

Why after updating wordpress - problems with localization?

Good afternoon! Please tell me why after updating wordpress and woocommerce there were problems with localization. For example, not translatable such as "Additional information", "Delivery", "Go to cart", a few words in the admin panel. All of this is in English.
The question is how to fix it?
I will be grateful for your help!

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1 answer(s)
Orkhan Hasanli, 2019-11-17

Alternatively, you can manually add translations.
To do this, you need to download the PoEdit program. Find translation files (po mo).
Then find the necessary lines and translate into Russian. When saving, you will see 2 files po & mo. Upload both to the server, replacing the original files.
And the translations themselves can be in different places...
Check the theme files (myTheme/languages ​​folder), the Woocomemrce plugin folder (more precisely, the wp-content/languages/plugins folder), and the WordPress folder (wp-content/languages/)

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