Vladimir Varnavsky2019-03-13 08:24:38
Vladimir Varnavsky, 2019-03-13 08:24:38

Who knows a good email template engine for .NET?

On the project, you need to send letters and make up templates in some decent template engine. I started using RazorEngine , but the author stubbornly does not answer questions , but you need to work with the product. There are some wildest glitches with the cache, which I can’t explain and fix in any way.
It turns out that we need some kind of template engine for HTML with cycles, conditions, variables. Who can advise what?

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Vladimir Varnavsky, 2019-03-21

All well done, and I'm a loshara. The template was used correctly and even the cache was updated via iisreset, but I myself did not deign to transfer the data (after refactoring) to the template. As a result, he behaved, as it seemed to me, incorrectly.

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