JSinga2013-11-21 10:05:15
Ruby on Rails
JSinga, 2013-11-21 10:05:15

Which projects on github showcase the best aspects of Ruby on Rails?

Good afternoon.
I'm looking for a Rails project on GitHub (or BitBucket).
Which showcases the best of Ruby on Rails.
Looking for projects with open issue.
I would be glad to see projects related to p2p and cloud( PaaS, SaaS) My
own search gave the following results:
Almost all projects are already dead.
No answers.

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2 answer(s)
Vladimir Boliev, 2013-11-21

Maybe there is something here? All projects have a link to the github.

Yuri Yarosh, 2013-11-21

Actually PaaS / SaaS projects require reactive approaches .
So the question about the target platform/framework is formulated not quite correctly.
First of all, you need to understand that you will have to work with CQRS-ES, and not with MVC / MVP.
And there you need various multithreading, yes asynchrony ...
The ability to work with SSE / Websockets.
And no "one client - one thread / process"
In interpreted languages ​​- php / python / ruby ​​/ perl, except for node.js, there are no these goodies.
They often use all sorts of pads and crutches like beanstalk and gearman
Call it all "high load" ... here naive
node.js is not an option
At most, prerender can be implemented on it .
SaaS on node will be difficult to maintain and develop.
Well, unless you are sure that you can find Jedi in the CIS who will definitely work with this for 2-3 years ... which is actually fantastic.
I can only advise swagger Play2 jooq + apache DirectMemory.
It is also possible to use Grails + atmosphere, but there are performance issues.
In "rich frontends" there are enough problems, and the choice is not great.
Right now there is only angular. Everything else is either leaky or rather raw and full of holes. Not everything is sweet for Angular either, for example, there is no support for http caching in REST resources. Although there is restangular, it is still quite raw. In general, there are nuances that can greatly slow down the development of projects with specific requirements.

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