IMperiaIM2014-05-21 09:13:11
IMperiaIM, 2014-05-21 09:13:11

Which programming language / direction to choose? Change of profession

Good day.
M is not 27 years old, I work as a system administrator. Familiar with the entire stack of windows technologies. But sometimes I got tired of sitting and doing nothing. You lift everything - everything works. Reading technical literature is certainly nice, but I want more practice. I don’t want to go to the integrator either - I’m not attracted to riding for half a day and communicating with people who are not always adequate
With specialization, but in my city, although large, there are not many directions.
XI feel like more money, that's why I'm thinking of becoming a programmer, as there is a lot of free time for studying and further freelancing until I'm firmly versed in technology. At the university, I wrote small programs in C ++, I tried the web about 2 years ago (css + html + JS just started). Should I learn php/js/ruby/python or is java/c better? What is more relevant for freelancing and where can you develop further?
And is it possible to freelance if you study Oracle VBA, virtualization, SQL?
Thank you for your time.

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7 answer(s)
bogolt, 2014-05-21

> Should I learn php/js/ruby/python or java/c is better?
Decide on the area of ​​your interests, and choose languages ​​for it. Jobs can be found IMHO for any language/technology, so it's in your best interest to have that language/technology best suit your personal preferences. This will primarily affect the efficiency of your work, and more positive feelings did not bother anyone.

Andrey Plax, 2014-05-21

Good afternoon.
I am 37 years old and work as a system administrator. =)
I have been studying programming for about 3-4 years. I accidentally got into C# language courses (Ms .Net Framework). After that, he began to write programs to facilitate network administration, collect statistics, auxiliary utilities for accounting, and so on. I have not yet looked for a serious job as a developer, but wherever I came across free vacancies - the Web is now more in demand. So, css + html + JS is what you need. Well, and then already: PHP or ASP.Net or something else... And try to start by making someone a simple site. Maybe even free. Experience is priceless!

Sergey Lerg, 2014-05-21

There is a good demand in the field of mobile applications now. Learn either native Obj-C or something cross-platform.

afiskon, 2014-05-24

Lately, I'm becoming more and more convinced that the most normal language today is Java , although I used to dislike it and tried to avoid it in every possible way. Take it and don't sweat it. They won’t hurt you with money, there will be many interesting tasks - there is a UI and a web serverside and development for Android. If you get tired of Java, you can play around with Scala, Clojure or Groovy. Most importantly, make sure that the employer is using at least SE 7.

DR_Demons, 2014-05-21

Good afternoon! I am 26 years old with experience with show technologies, administration of specialized Windows-based OSes for conducting shows, working with protocols for controlling equipment during a show, a programmer by education, but I was not seriously interested, and now I decided that I needed to grow and took up the study, I chose for myself, java is a serious language in which, if desired, you can solve a wide range of tasks, and at the same time it is relatively easy to learn and relatively safe.
Is it worth it to study php/js/ruby/python why not, if you are interested, I read about them (in particular js (where without it :)) groovy, python, lua) not in depth, but for general interest, in parallel with studying java .
The web is popular, in demand, but the competition in it is solid. You can make a site for general development, but my personal position is that it should be done for free only for yourself, the rest, albeit for a nominal fee, because someone earns money on this, and if the incoming ones rivet sites for experience, one of the webmasters will switch from bread with bacon, to bread with water)
Good luck with your choice!

zxmd, 2014-05-21

Learn python/java and don't need the rest.

Ivan Zhukov, 2014-05-24

In general, for system administrators, the issue is very relevant. For example, I'm learning Obj-C and working in Xcode. The reason for this is the presence and love for Mac and iOS. A natural question arises, where should a junior go? after all, they won’t take on the role of a developer in a good project without experience, no matter how good an administrator you are.

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