MrMADRYAN2017-04-10 23:33:05
MrMADRYAN, 2017-04-10 23:33:05

Which processor to choose for MariaDB?

Can you please tell me how much it makes sense to choose a multi-core processor for MariaDB? How is it with multithreading? For example, which is better FX-8370E or Opteron 6172? (in both cases ECC memory). Or, for example, take something like Ryzen, where the performance per core is higher and the entire load will be single-threaded?
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1 answer(s)
Konstantin Stepanov, 2017-04-11

FX-8370E, IMHO. But only IMHO. The level of the rest of the iron is cheaper, but the service life is shorter.

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