indee2014-12-03 20:24:24
indee, 2014-12-03 20:24:24

Which PHP functions and libraries should I use?

Guys, don't drink too much. Who is in the subject .. please answer my questions, if necessary, give advice.
I say right away that in PHP I am almost a complete zero, I know at the level of template integration.
But still, I need to write a script for me (please invite me to freelance), I want to learn it myself.
I know there are many worthy books, but I don’t think I should read them, I’ll only clutter up my head, and I don’t have time (I want to study specifically what I need NOW on the case)
Actually, this is what I need to write in the end.
1) Working with files (.zip or .txt) loading, deleting, renaming and unpacking.
2) Working with the file. For example, there will be a lot of text in the file, it will need to be sorted out (title, text, time, additional text, etc.), unnecessary to be deleted, what needs to be changed / replaced (and so each line will need to be processed) and finally output to an array for further work with the received information, or to a csv file.
Still interested in this, if the amount of information being processed is large, what to do? (AJAX, etc., do not offer technologies) I can’t handle it. Interested in PHP? how to solve the problem.
i.e. in the end, this is what it should be, the file upload form, the script determines either a .zip or .txt file, if the first one, then the file is unpacked, then the file is opened, processed and written to a csv file.
What PHP functions do I specifically need for this, and if there are, perhaps good libraries to facilitate writing.

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2 answer(s)
Anton Shamanov, 2014-12-03

1, 2 points are implemented at regular libraries

# artur #, 2014-12-03

In your case, it will be easier to find a freelancer and pay him. Even if you are told here how and what to do, then you still won’t be able to implement it 100% correctly.

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