markilfin2014-10-03 18:24:59
markilfin, 2014-10-03 18:24:59

Which JS framework to choose (with a good and flexible template engine)?

The essence of the task is to make a search form for news channels of the following type:

All messages in the server are made through Ajax requests using the client's rest api.

How it should work: when booting from the server, all available channels are dynamically loaded, which are displayed in the drop-down menu on the left. As soon as the user selects the channel he is interested in, a line pops up with the "Add filter" button. When you click on this button, all available filters for this channel are dynamically loaded from the server again. When a filter is selected, all available items for this filter are loaded. And so for each filter separately.

The manager suggests using Ember.js , but in the last two days of reading documentation and posts on Stackoverflow, I understand more and more that he is not too good and suitable for this task.
I looked in the direction of AngularJS , but I also have doubts, I read a little about it and everywhere they write that it is more suitable for writing typical one-page sites.

Therefore, advice is needed in choosing a tool for solving this particular problem.

What I liked about Ember is how they use the HandleBars templating engine . The whole template can be divided into semantic parts, for example, "dropdown.hbs", "filters.hbs", "result.hbs" and load them dynamically as needed. It would be nice if the recommended framework had similar functionality.

Perhaps it makes sense not to use the framework? Or stop at some plugin for working with dynamic forms and use a template engine separately?

PS This is my first more or less large project + I have never worked with these frameworks before, so please treat the issue with understanding.

Thank you all for your help.

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2 answer(s)
Sergey, 2014-10-03
Protko @Fesor

In fact, you only need a view. So react.js, knockout.js

Artur Smirnov, 2014-11-06

EmberJS is focused on building SPAs (Single Page Applications). In addition to the template engine (which, by the way, is the oldest part of the framework and its weakest point), it has one of the best routers in its class. And also, very convenient persistance-framework (ember-data). But you don't really need all that.
AngularJS can be embedded in any part of an existing application, and even part of a page, which can be handy when creating widgets. Angular templates are clean and simple. They are easy to read and understand. An excellent directive mechanism allows flexible encapsulation of templates.
In my opinion, of the two presented, Angular is more suitable for you. However, I join the previous answer and recommend looking into React.js as well.

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