bayat2016-01-24 19:50:59
bayat, 2016-01-24 19:50:59

Which framework to choose for writing a small desktop application that uses a database?

In general, you need to write a hostel arm manager application. The application will be local, installed on one computer. Prompt with a choice of framework that it was possible to understand. The application will have grids, a couple of reports, forms for editing records.

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3 answer(s)
Konstantin Nagibovich, 2016-01-24

1C is ideal for your task.

Victor Alenkov, 2016-01-24

Why do you need WEB-development if the program is purely local?
Look at SWT/JavaFX + HSQLDB

buksttabu, 2016-01-26

Let them throw poop at me after my answer, but, in my opinion, the good old Delfon is ideal here: I screwed datasorce with dbgrid and you can hardly work with your brains any longer

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