Victor Belozyorov2016-07-15 12:57:45
Victor Belozyorov, 2016-07-15 12:57:45

Which framework to choose for complex web animations (with example)?

What is the framework for quickly implementing such web animations:

  1. dribbble.com/shots/2487473-lima
  2. dribbble.com/shots/2672582-Motion-Market

Tried Solutions:
  1. Paper.js
  2. Processing.js
  3. Raphael

Обязательные условия для фреймворка:
  1. Поддержка растровых и векторных моделей
  2. Поддержка мобильных устройств
  3. Поддержка events

Спасибо за экспертный ответ с примером.

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4 answer(s)
Nikolay Talanov, 2016-07-15

Option 2 is almost always:
1) Greensock (GSAP). The coolest lib for animations, probably everything, except maybe canvas / webgl (for this, they usually already use threejs or write something with pens).
2) Bodymoving. On the second GIF, for example, a sequential animation that does not require interaction from the user, but at the same time contains many details and micro-movements. Sawing this with your hands - VERY many hours (the difference between a similar prototype and a prototype that is 90% similar to a GIF is colossal). Whereas with bodymovin you just export all the animation from after effects and run it on the client. Of course, there are some downsides, lack of flexibility and quite a lot of code exported from AE, but usually there is no other way in such situations.

Владимир Грабко, 2016-07-16


GreatRash, 2016-07-15


Александр Таратин, 2016-07-16

Adobe Animate CC c экспортом в canvas

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