TheStrangeWind2013-12-11 23:08:48
TheStrangeWind, 2013-12-11 23:08:48

Which CMS for a blog-forum social network to choose?

The fact is that we need the functions of both collective blogging and the functions of a full-fledged forum. There is no need for bells and whistles. I need an engine for collective blogging and forum communication, and even with a relatively small load.
So far I've looked at the following options:
LiveStreet - I liked it, but there is no full-fledged forum.
Wordpress + buddyPress + bbPress -- a huge load and very crooked work of templates

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2 answer(s)
Alex Gray, 2013-12-12

Their mules!
The same Vanilla with the necessary plug-ins - flies.
But a noob with crooked hands, most likely, will not succeed.

amazinginternetsites, 2015-01-30

InstantCms of the first branch www.instantcms.ru

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