Sleepwalker_ua2013-12-22 07:02:39
Mobile devices
Sleepwalker_ua, 2013-12-22 07:02:39

Which Chinese smartphone to choose under $200?

I was puzzled by the purchase of a new phone, I decided to choose something from the Aliexpress assortment (I often buy parts there). I went into the search and .. got lost.
Eyes run wide, + a lot of misunderstandings - lenovo a760 is available for sane 150 dollars and for insane 340 (it differs in a large number of languages ​​\u200b\u200band the inscription "original") ..
In general, I ask for help in choosing
I want something not too big (up to 4.5-4.7" inclusive), long-playing - a couple of days of not too active use (half an hour or an hour of talk, an hour of the Internet on a wafer \ 3g, 3 hours of music, half an hour of toys), with a normal resolution (from HD1280x720 and higher), quad-core and 768-1024 operatives.I'm from Ukraine, so I need support for GSM 900-1800, and it would be awesome if he could understand CDMA intertelecom, because I have a modem with a sim -card theirs.OTG support is desirable, but completely optional.Well, so that it’s not completely non-name, the Chinese are such Chinese..Jiayu
G3T fits well with the requirements so far, but you never know - suddenly there is or will soon be something better. to buy in the first days of January, it is unlikely that it will be possible to wait longer, because now I go with a terrible firewood.
I hope for advice, and it would be interesting to read the experience of choosing such devices!

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2 answer(s)
Puma Thailand, 2013-12-22

Recently I just bought a tablet and smart cheap on Ali Express I wanted to order on
pandavil but they rejected all my payments with a Russian card in Thailand a little more from him. The camera is complete shit, you could not put it there at all. of the pluses is a good case, well, the screen is not the largest extension, but the colors are soft, as I like, similar to htc hero. I bought this phone www.aliexpress.com/snapshot/290214890.html What upset me on pandavil, I looked like the same model but with a battery of 3000 and not 2200
To be honest, this phone pleased me very much, at the beginning of this year I took another Chinese, a galaxy c3 clone, and he upset me greatly.
In the same android 4.2, a completely sane camera for shooting during the
day ) The battery for a day with active use is not enough, but compared to the previous Chinese, it holds not 5 hours, but 9. If you turn off 3g and Skype and use less intensively, you can safely use two days. There are practically no problems with android, on the previous one I often got jambs and the constant search on w3bsit3-dns.com always annoyed me.
The phone is fast enough, lags are very rare, I would say close to galaxy c3.
Good screen
Enough memory

Alexey Shein, 2015-01-25

To be honest, it is not clear how the second array should turn out from the first one.

// убрать элемент _csrf
// поменять Crafter на Stagg
$input['brand'][1] = 'Stagg';
// поменять количество струн с 6 на 4
$input['strings'] = 4;

Well, and so on.
Well then, you just need to remove the element _csrfas I wrote above.

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