happinet2021-09-14 09:48:25
happinet, 2021-09-14 09:48:25

Which chat bot builder should you choose?

I'm going to make a dating bot for Telegram, standard functionality: a small profile, the ability to edit my profile, dating options will be sent from the database.
What is the best constructor to use?
While choosing between Chatforma and puzzlebot

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1 answer(s)
Vasily Bannikov, 2021-09-14

What is the best constructor to use?

Can't answer without context.
If you have never made bots before, and are not familiar with programming and named constructors, then choose what seems more friendly to you and what you can easily find manuals or help on.
Perhaps in your case it even makes more sense to go freelancing and find someone who will do everything for you.
PS: Looked at your old questions. I saw js questions there.
Why are you not considering writing a bot in Nodejs?

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