dkrylov2017-04-06 11:17:29
dkrylov, 2017-04-06 11:17:29

Which architecture is more versatile when designing a Yii2 application?

Hello, dear programmers ;)
I'm slowly learning Yii2, the last few days I've been googling information on the competent architecture of the project. For example, let 's take an abstract project (it can be an online store, a blog, a news site, and in general any project where there is an admin
panel and the site itself;)) and models into separate modules. Those. for users there is an accounts module, for working with static pages there is a page module, and so on. As a result, it turns out something like this: You can say - I want to make a kind of skeleton with a set of modules that are used in any projects for myself based on the basic template.
1) To what extent will this approach be correct in terms of universality?
2) How are you doing?
3) What is the best way to do it?
Perhaps it's worth making just 2 modules: admin and site - and implement everything in them as controllers and models? Or do not make brains at all and take advanced? Please send)

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1 answer(s)
Mikhail Serenkov, 2017-04-06

It is better to take an advanced structure, divide it into an admin panel and the site itself, and then, if desired, divide the admin panel and the site into separate modules.

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