Anastasia Panfilova2017-04-11 21:15:42
Anastasia Panfilova, 2017-04-11 21:15:42

Where to start "dive" in the front-end?

can you tell a young layout designer where to start "immersion"?
the bottom line is that I know html, css, js (jquery) well, and I’m familiar with js itself, now they look at ts, I draw layouts.
I want to start developing in this direction, but I don’t know where to start getting acquainted with the profession, so to speak.
mb advise something? I will be very grateful

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2 answer(s)
Yustas Alexu, 2017-04-12

Start by viewing vacancies. After reading 10-20 vacancies where a frontend developer is required, it will become clear where the gaps are and where to move.

sim3x, 2017-04-11


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