angelzzz2019-02-22 12:25:38
angelzzz, 2019-02-22 12:25:38

Where to read about the correct application architecture?

I am writing a MERN (mongo, express, react, node) application. I understand that I do not have enough knowledge on how to properly organize react components, nodes and database structure. Where can I read and watch tutorials or articles on the topic?

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3 answer(s)
Roman, 2019-02-25

MERN Stack Front To Back: Full Stack React, Redux & Node.js
Released : 2018
Manufacturer: Udemy Manufacturer
website: https://www.udemy.com/mern-stack-front-to-back
Author: Brad Traversy
Duration: 16.5 hours
Language: English
here is angular, but this does not change the essence.
Year of publication: 2017
Author: Holmes S.
Publisher: Piter
ISBN: 978-5-496-02459-4
Language: Russian
The 2nd edition in English should be released in June.

Andrey Okhotnikov, 2019-02-22

Here is an excellent boilerplate for this stack, just look at the implementation or use it in your project right away

Dmitry Pacification, 2019-02-28

I think some fundamental knowledge will help you: www.ooart.ru/uploads/book/arhitektura_korporativny...

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