Pavel Bezrukov2017-11-01 21:12:46
Online shopping
Pavel Bezrukov, 2017-11-01 21:12:46

Where to put the cash register in accordance with fz-54?

Good afternoon.
We make an online store.
I read a lot on the topic, but I can’t figure out how the work process is built.
There is a server on which the site is located, there is a 1c server with a connected cash desk. We made an order, as I understand it, the cashier prints a check.
If orders go, and a specially trained girl does not follow the cash register, the server room looks like trees covered with toilet paper.
If shipments come from warehouses in Russia, then this check must somehow be sent there by pigeons, if you can find it in a roll with checks.
My case is not working, I understand, but how people do it is not clear.
Some of you have already launched payments in stores, share your experience how!

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1 answer(s)
lolhunter, 2017-11-02

There is a server on which the site is located, there is a 1c server with a connected cash desk. We made an order, as I understand it, the cashier prints a check.
If orders go, and a specially trained girl does not follow the cash register, the server room looks like trees covered with toilet paper.

No. For payment via the Internet, a physical receipt can not be printed. ATOL has options to print this receipt or not.
On the store's website. With electronic payment for goods, a check is generated and sent to the buyer by e-mail or by SMS. A paper check does not need to be printed.
No need to send a paper check with the order.

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