Ejex Xeffer2020-08-04 18:52:39
Data request
Ejex Xeffer, 2020-08-04 18:52:39

Where to look for a database of cities - countries - phone codes?

Is it possible to find a similar database for free? I found a database of countries - phone codes, but I can't find the cities.
And all this has been going on for the fourth day, maybe I'm stupid and I need to search in Japanese?

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3 answer(s)
Alexander, 2020-08-04


Vladimir Korotenko, 2020-08-04

In Russia, I am slowly riveting an import project from fias, there is a whole hierarchy and indexes, plus an offline database, and import customization. Look for the numbering capacity on the Rossvyaznadzor website, in theory they have it. There is also a Russian postal database, but there are only indices

shurshur, 2020-08-04

Officially in Russia: https://rossvyaz.gov.ru/deyatelnost/resurs-numerac...
There is also a lot on Wikipedia (including English), but you have to manually parse it.

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