andrey_pavlovich2019-03-24 20:47:26
andrey_pavlovich, 2019-03-24 20:47:26

Where to host a telegram bot?

Hi guys,
The next question came up, I have a channel in telegram and there is a bot script that posts locally saved pictures in this channel. I would like it to work with the computer turned off :)
Is it possible to host a bot with local storage somewhere, what is the best way to organize it?
I understand that the raspberry option also has a place to be, but I would like it to be somewhere on the server.

Thank you!

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2 answer(s)
Oleg, 2019-03-25

Standard set: Heroku, AWS (1 year free), Bluemix, GAE, Pytho...
In terms of image storage:

  • AWS is suitable because you can store pictures directly in the virtual machine. Upload to a virtual machine - either through a bot or through FTP.
  • In other cases, when PaaS, you can store the picture as binaries in the database. If the service does not provide a database or its size is small, then mLab or MongoDB Atlas can be used. There's a free size of 512 MB per DB.
  • If you need to store a lot (gigabytes) of pictures, then you can store statics on a regular free hosting, take them from cloud storages (Yandex, Dropbox), or even organize a fence from some mail.

Vitaly Stolyarov, 2019-03-24


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