Evgeniy Liferov2016-02-01 16:51:44
Evgeniy Liferov, 2016-02-01 16:51:44

Where is the best place to buy Windows 10 Home?

Hello! Today I want to purchase a licensed Windows 10 Home OS. On the official website of Microsoft it costs 7900 rubles, and in the store "citilink" BOX version is 1300 rubles cheaper. Explain what is the difference and where is the best place to buy in the end?

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1 answer(s)
kalapanga, 2016-02-01

In Softkey electronic version (key by mail, you can download the distribution kit yourself) 5150 r. costs. Probably the cheapest option. BOX costs the same 7900 there. And for citylinks, if I understand correctly, a flash drive with a distribution kit is also attached to the key - it turned out to be something in between.

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