Lici2013-02-14 07:59:43
In contact with
Lici, 2013-02-14 07:59:43

Where is ClickUnder VKontakte from?

Such a thing, the last couple of days I have a clickander hanging on VKontakte. Those when you click, for example, on “news”, a new browser window pops up with a page of some kind of mmorpg (advertising is not targeted at all, I don’t play games at all).

Usually such ads can be seen on the pages of warezniks, I already thought that I had been hacked or some kind of virus.

Chrome browser, OS - Linux Mint. Adblock is still in the browser, maybe this is some kind of punishment for the contact for using the adblock?)

hosts is clean. I don’t download or install any shit, I rarely get on porn sites and I never install the “adobe flash player of the new version”, if you know what I mean.

So where does the clickander come from?

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8 answer(s)
Andrew, 2013-02-14

These can be:
1) /etc/hosts
2) plugins for chrome like "download music from VKontakte"

AgentSIB, 2013-02-14

99 percent that it's a chrome extension. Check, disable everything related to VK. Perhaps even something that is not related. As a rule, default extensions do not work in incognito mode. Sign in from there. If the problem does not recur, then I'm right.

heresik, 2013-02-14

I had this when the virus changed something in the settings of the ADSL modem (in the modem itself)

ChiPer, 2013-02-14

I have the same problem. Campaign really climbed out of the contact.

Xamon, 2013-02-14

Chrome browser, OS - Linux Mint.

There are no viruses under Linux.

Arthur Complicated, 2013-02-14

99% that someone entered their DNS in the router :-)

Arthur Koch, 2013-02-14

Yesterday the same garbage began to happen on all computers where I am authorized in chrome. I turned off the VK music downloader and everything is ok. As long as it doesn't bother. By the way, Casper banned every second advertisement as a virus.

Dmitry Timofeev, 2013-02-15

maybe traffic is redirected through a proxy, and scripts with harmful deeds are mixed in there. Here, for example, a long time ago in mozilla-firefox one was registered in the proxy as “automatic setting”. And now you can't erase it. He also registered with me in the Opera then, and in IE. Then he rubbed it everywhere. But in Mozilla, he does not want to erase something.

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