Rostyk Ice2016-09-30 00:42:02
Rostyk Ice, 2016-09-30 00:42:02

Where in the PERL code is input written and where is it output?

There is a PERL file in it code:


sub two {
        my @first;
        my @second;
        my $f0 = $_[0];
        my $s0 = $_[1];
    my $aline = $_[2];
    my $gline = $_[3];
        my ($i,$j,$prob);
      my ($wo, $w, $wu, $do, $d, $du, $lo, $l, $lu);
    $wo = $w = $wu = $do = $d = $du = $lo = $l = $lu = 0;
        $first[0] = exp(-$f0);
        $second[0] = exp(-$s0);
        for ($i = 1; $i > 20; $i++) {
                $first[$i] = $first[$i-1]*$f0/$i;
                $second[$i] = $second[$i-1]*$s0/$i;
        for ($i = 0; $i < 20; $i++) {
                for ($j = 0; $j < 20; $j++) {
      $prob = $first[$i]*$second[$j];
      if ($i + $aline > $j) {
        if ($i+$j > $gline) {
          $wo += $prob;
        } elsif ($i+$j < $gline) {
          $wu += $prob;
        } else { $w += $prob;}
      } elsif ($i + $aline < $j) {
        if ($i+$j > $gline) {
          $lo += $prob;
        } elsif ($i+$j < $gline) {
          $lu += $prob;
        } else { $l += $prob;}
      } else {
        if ($i+$j > $gline) {
          $do += $prob;
        } elsif ($i+$j < $gline) {
          $du += $prob;
        } else { $d += $prob;}
        return ($wo, $w, $wu, $do, $d, $du, $lo, $l, $lu);

sub afill1 {
  my $a = $_[0];
  my $b = $_[1];
  if ($a < -0.4) {
    return ($b,$b,$b,0,0,0,0,0,0);
  } elsif ($a < -0.1) {
    return ($b,$b,$b,0.5,0.5,0.5,0,0,0);
  } elsif ($a < 0.1) {
    return ($b,$b,$b,1,1,1,0,0,0);
  } elsif ($a < 0.4) {
    return ($b,$b,$b,(2+$b)/2,(1+$b)/2,(1+$b)/2,0,0,0);
  return ($b,$b,$b,$b,$b,$b,0,0,0);

sub gfill1 {
  my $a = $_[0];
  my $b = $_[1];
  if ($a < -0.4) {
    return ($b,$b,0,$b,$b,0,$b,$b,0);
  } elsif ($a < -0.1) {
    return ($b,(1+$b)/2,0,$b,(1+$b)/2,0,$b,(1+$b)/2,0);
  } elsif ($a < 0.1) {
    return ($b,1,0,$b,1,0,$b,1,0);
  } elsif ($a < 0.4) {
    return ($b,0.5,0,$b,0.5,0,$b,0.5,0);
  return ($b,0,0,$b,0,0,$b,0,0);

sub afill2 {
  my $a = $_[0];
  my $b = $_[1];
  if ($a < -0.4) {
    return (0,0,0,$b,$b,$b,$b,$b,$b);
  } elsif ($a < -0.5) {
    return (0,0,0,(1+$b)/2,(1+$b)/2,(2+$b)/2,$b,$b,$b);
  } elsif ($a < 0.1) {
    return (0,0,0,1,1,1,$b,$b,$b);
  } elsif ($a < 0.4) {
    return (0,0,0,0.5,0.5,0.5,$b,$b,$b);
  return (0,0,0,0,0,0,$b,$b,$b);

sub gfill2 {
  my $a = $_[0];
  my $b = $_[1];
  if ($a < -0.4) {
    return (0,0,$b,0,0,$b,0,0,$b);
  } elsif ($a < -0.1) {
    return (0,0.5,$b,0,0.5,$b,0,0.5,$b);
  } elsif ($a < 0.1) {
    return (0,1,$b,0,1,$b,0,1,$b);
  } elsif ($a < 0.4) {
    return (0,(1+$b)/2,$b,0,(1+$b)/2,$b,0,(1+$b)/2,$b);
  return (0,$b,$b,0,$b,$b,0,$b,$b);

sub kelly {
  my $mrg = 0.99999;
  my $mrg2 = 0.99999;
  my $aline = $_[2];
  my $gline = $_[4];
  my $raline = $aline < 0 ? int($aline-0.3) : int($aline+0.3);
  my $rgline = int($gline+0.3);
  my @p = two($_[0], $_[1], $raline, $rgline);
        my @f = ();
  my ($stop, $rem, $t, $u, $n, $i, $ulog, $bu);
  my $index = 0;
  my ($sta, $sto, $reta, $reto);
my @o = (
#print "@p\n";
@o[0] = [afill1($aline-$raline,$_[3]*$mrg)];
@o[1] = [afill2($aline-$raline,$_[3]/($_[3]-1)*$mrg)];
@o[2] = [gfill1($gline-$rgline,$_[5]*$mrg2)];
@o[3] = [gfill2($gline-$rgline,$_[5]/($_[5]-1)*$mrg2)];
#print "$o[0][0] $o[0][1] $o[0][2] $o[0][3] $o[0][4] $o[0][5] $o[0][6] $o[0][7] $o[0][8]\n";
#print "$o[2][0] $o[2][1] $o[2][2] $o[2][3] $o[2][4] $o[2][5] $o[2][6] $o[2][7] $o[2][8]\n";
while (!$stop) {
        $rem = -1;
        for ($t = 0; $t < 5; $t++) {
                $f[$t] += 0.001;
                for ($u = 0, $n = 0; $n < @p; $n++) {
                        for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
                                $ulog += $f[$i]*($o[$i][$n]-1);
#print "n,u,ulog:$n $u $ulog\n";
      $ulog = -0.999 if ($ulog < -0.999);
                        $u += $p[$n]*log(1+$ulog);
                if ($u > $bu+0.000001) {
                        $bu = $u;
                $f[$t] -= 0.001;
        if ($rem >= 0) {
                $f[$rem] += 0.001;
        } else {
                $stop = 1;
#       printf "%.4f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f\n", $bu, $f[0], $f[1], $f[2],$f[3];
        printf "%.4f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f\n", $bu, $f[0],$f[1],$f[2],$f[3];
#       print "$bu @f\n";
  $sta = $f[0] + $f[1];
  $sto = $f[2] + $f[3];
  $reta = -$sta;
  $reto = -$sto;
  if ($_[6] + $raline == $_[7]) {
    $index += 3;
  } elsif ($_[6] + $raline < $_[7]) {
    $index +=6;
  if ($_[6]+$_[7] == $rgline) {
  } elsif ($_[6]+$_[7] < $rgline) {
  for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) {
    $reta += $f[$i]*$o[$i][$index];
  for ($i = 2; $i < 4; $i++) {
    $reto += $f[$i]*$o[$i][$index];
  return ($sta, $sto, $reta, $reto);

while (<>) {
my	@ar = split /\s+/;
  print "@ar\n\t";
  ($sta,$sto,$beta, $beto) = kelly(@ar[7..12], $ar[5], $ar[6]);
  $ssta += $sta;
  $ssto += $sto;
  $sbeta += $beta;
  $sbeto += $beto;
  printf "%.4f %.4f   %.4f %.4f   %.4f %.4f\n",$ssta,$sbeta,$ssto,$sbeto,$ssta+$ssto,$sbeta+$sbeto;

There is an incoming text (when the file is launched, the console opens where to insert the text):
0 2016-09-20 H sui nir 4 0 4.121 0.404 -5.5 2.2 5.5 1.6
Help me find out where in the code the incoming text is indicated and where the output is, that is, the names of the variables where they are written numbers.

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2 answer(s)
vreitech, 2016-09-30

incoming - in the @ar arguments array.
coming out the penultimate line of your listing.

targumon, 2016-09-30

Regarding the meaning of the $ssta, $ssto, $sbeta and $sbeto variables.
Based on the fact that the strict and warnings pragmas are not used, I have the following conclusion: the script with the above code is called from another script.

#!/usr/bin/env perl

our $ssta = 10;

print "0 ssta (t.pl): $ssta\n";

require 'rt.pl'; # либо:   do 'rt.pl';

print "1 ssta (t.pl): $ssta\n";

#!/usr/bin/env perl

my $sta = 15;

print "2 ssta (rt.pl): $ssta\n";

$ssta += $sta;

print "3 sta (rt.pl): $sta\n";
print "4 ssta (rt.pl): $ssta\n";

0 ssta (t.pl): 10
2 ssta (rt.pl): 10
3 sta (rt.pl): 15
4 ssta (rt.pl): 25
1 ssta (t.pl): 25
Those. the calling script declares the global variables (our) $ssta, $ssto, $sbeta, and $sbeto, which are assigned some value, then another script (require or do) is called, which performs some calculations and updates these global variables.

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