vipermagi2016-06-07 10:20:57
C++ / C#
vipermagi, 2016-06-07 10:20:57

Where in Code::Blocks can I configure the function of stepping through code elements (call/declaration/implementation)?

In the same Qt-Creator, by holding Ctrl with the mouse, you hover over a variable or function, it is highlighted, when you press LMB, you go to the declaration, if necessary, the file containing it is automatically opened.
Is there such a thing in Code::Blocks at all?

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2 answer(s)
MiiNiPaa, 2016-06-07

Right click on the name → find implementation/find declaration/find occurences/etc.

vipermagi, 2016-06-07

This is for features. And for variables and classes, it's buggy :( When you try to find the declaration of a variable, the cursor is transferred to the declaration of the structure, and hot key simply does nothing, it shows Not found: my_variable.

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