Roman Gogolev2011-04-12 22:48:00
Roman Gogolev, 2011-04-12 22:48:00

Where does teamviewer connect to?

Tell me why the teamviewer connects to all these ip? Here with resolution


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5 answer(s)
Puma Thailand, 2011-04-13

Teamviewer uses clients as nodes and drives traffic through them, just like Skype, and in the picture you see just the IPs of people who have a teamviewer installed.

Max Kuznetsov, 2011-04-12

Interrogates brothers in the botnet +)
To be honest, I myself asked myself this question.

Iliapan, 2011-04-13

Teamviewer is better not to use, it is not very secure and closed. I advise you to use open-source solutions based on vpn

yangry, 2011-04-12

I don't have an exact answer, only guesses :)
It is known that all connection data goes through their proxy server. Maybe it's a proxy for insurance? If you lose connection with one, you will be transparently switched to another.
A permanent server connection (what we connect to) with proxies is necessary, since this is what makes it possible to connect from anywhere to anywhere (to any closed subnet, bypassing all firewalls).
Here is another similar question in English: g.ua/aWCc
Frankly speaking, the work of a teamviewer seems too mysterious to me. I will end up with a VPN from work to my home.
Those. if all normal people, with the permission of the admins, do it the other way around: from home to a working machine, then I do the opposite without the permission of the admins.
This creates a VPN network and you can work through RDC and VNC, as in a local network.
You can do it like this:

Roman Spiridonov, 2011-04-13

Personally, I also noticed recently that TeamViewer suddenly starts to show immeasurable activity. And not only the network, but at the same time clogs the entire processor, that even the Task Manager cannot be opened properly, it loads it for half an hour.

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