EmmGold2016-07-24 18:22:01
EmmGold, 2016-07-24 18:22:01

Where does asterisk get the dialplan from except for extensions.conf? Or does he invent it himself?

I read the future of telephony.
Compiled and installed Asterisk 13.10.0 on CentOS 7 x64

[[email protected] asterisk]# cat extensions.conf





include => internal

In the asterix console I write dialplan show and get
dialplan show
[ Context 'default' created by 'pbx_config' ]

[ Context 'incoming-calls' created by 'pbx_config' ]

[ Context 'internal' created by 'pbx_config' ]

[ Context 'phones' created by 'pbx_config' ]
  Include =>        'internal'                                    [pbx_config]

[ Context 'parkedcalls' created by 'res_parking' ]
  '700' =>          1. Park()                                     [res_parking]

!!!!!!!!! ВСЁ, ЧТО НИЖЕ ЛИШНЕЕ, не должно этого тут быть. !!!!!!!

  '701' =>          1. ParkedCall(default,701)                    [res_parking/default]
  '702' =>          1. ParkedCall(default,702)                    [res_parking/default]

  '718' =>          1. ParkedCall(default,718)                    [res_parking/default]
  '719' =>          1. ParkedCall(default,719)                    [res_parking/default]
  '720' =>          1. ParkedCall(default,720)                    [res_parking/default]

[ Context '__func_periodic_hook_context__' created by 'func_periodic_hook' ]
  'beep' (CID match '') =>  1. Answer()                                   [func_periodic_hook]
                    2. Playback(beep)                             [func_periodic_hook]
  'hook' (CID match '') =>  1. Set(EncodedChannel=${CUT(HOOK_CHANNEL,-,1-2)}) [func_periodic_hook]
                    2. Set(GROUP_NAME=${EncodedChannel}${HOOK_ID}) [func_periodic_hook]
                    3. Set(GROUP(periodic-hook)=${GROUP_NAME})    [func_periodic_hook]
                    4. ExecIf($[${GROUP_COUNT(${GROUP_NAME}@periodic-hook)} > 1]?Hangup()) [func_periodic_hook]
                    5. Set(ChannelToSpy=${URIDECODE(${EncodedChannel})}) [func_periodic_hook]
                    6. ChanSpy(${ChannelToSpy},qEB)               [func_periodic_hook]

[ Context 'ael-builtin-h-bubble' created by 'pbx_ael' ]
  'h' =>            1. Goto(9991)                                 [pbx_ael]
                    9991. Set(~~parentcxt~~=${STACK_PEEK(1,c,1)}) [pbx_ael]
                    9992. GotoIf($["${~~parentcxt~~}"=""]?9996)   [pbx_ael]
                    9993. GotoIf(${DIALPLAN_EXISTS(${~~parentcxt~~},h,1)}?9994:9996) [pbx_ael]
                    9994. StackPop()                              [pbx_ael]
                    9995. Goto(${~~parentcxt~~},h,1)              [pbx_ael]
                    9996. NoOp()                                  [pbx_ael]

[ Context 'ael-default' created by 'pbx_ael' ]
  Include =>        'ael-demo'                                    [pbx_ael]

[ Context 'ael-demo' created by 'pbx_ael' ]
  '#' =>            1. Playback(demo-thanks)                      [pbx_ael]
                    2. Hangup()                                   [pbx_ael]
  '1000' =>         1. Goto(ael-default,s,1)                      [pbx_ael]
  '2' =>            1. Background(demo-moreinfo)                  [pbx_ael]
                    2. Goto(s,instructions)                       [pbx_ael]
  '3' =>            1. Set(LANGUAGE()=fr)                         [pbx_ael]
                    2. Goto(s,restart)                            [pbx_ael]
  '500' =>          1. Playback(demo-abouttotry)                  [pbx_ael]
                    2. Dial(IAX2/[email protected]/[email protected]) [pbx_ael]
                    3. Playback(demo-nogo)                        [pbx_ael]
                    4. Goto(s,instructions)                       [pbx_ael]
  '600' =>          1. Playback(demo-echotest)                    [pbx_ael]
                    2. Echo()                                     [pbx_ael]
                    3. Playback(demo-echodone)                    [pbx_ael]
                    4. Goto(s,instructions)                       [pbx_ael]
  '8500' =>         1. VoicemailMain()                            [pbx_ael]
                    2. Goto(s,instructions)                       [pbx_ael]
  'i' =>            1. Playback(invalid)                          [pbx_ael]
  's' =>            1. Wait(1)                                    [pbx_ael]
                    2. Answer()                                   [pbx_ael]
                    3. Set(TIMEOUT(digit)=5)                      [pbx_ael]
                    4. Set(TIMEOUT(response)=10)                  [pbx_ael]
     [restart]      5. Background(demo-congrats)                  [pbx_ael]
     [instructions] 6. MSet(x=$[0])                               [pbx_ael]
                    7. GotoIf($[ ${x} < 3]?8:12)                  [pbx_ael]
                    8. Background(demo-instruct)                  [pbx_ael]
                    9. WaitExten()                                [pbx_ael]
                    10. MSet(x=$[${x} + 1])                       [pbx_ael]
                    11. Goto(7)                                   [pbx_ael]
                    12. NoOp(Finish for_ael-demo_3)               [pbx_ael]
  't' =>            1. Goto(#,1)                                  [pbx_ael]
  '_1234' =>        1. Gosub(ael-std-exten-ael,~~s~~,1(${EXTEN}, "IAX2")) [pbx_ael]

[ Context 'ael-std-exten-ael' created by 'pbx_ael' ]
  'a' =>            1. VoiceMailMain(${ext})                      [pbx_ael]
                    2. Return()                                   [pbx_ael]
  'sw_1_' =>        10. Goto(sw_1_.,10)                           [pbx_ael]

                    8. Return()                                   [pbx_ael]
  '_sw_1_.' =>      10. Voicemail(${ext},u)                       [pbx_ael]
                    11. Goto(~~s~~,7)                             [pbx_ael]
  Include =>        'ael-builtin-h-bubble'                        [pbx_ael]

[ Context 'ael-local' created by 'pbx_ael' ]
  Include =>        'ael-default'                                 [pbx_ael]
  Include =>        'ael-trunklocal'                              [pbx_ael]

[ Context 'ael-longdistance' created by 'pbx_ael' ]
  Include =>        'ael-local'                                   [pbx_ael]
  Include =>        'ael-trunkld'                                 [pbx_ael]
  Ignore pattern => '9'                                           [pbx_ael]

[ Context 'ael-international' created by 'pbx_ael' ]
  Include =>        'ael-longdistance'                            [pbx_ael]
  Include =>        'ael-trunkint'                                [pbx_ael]
  Ignore pattern => '9'                                           [pbx_ael]
[ Context 'ael-trunktollfree' created by 'pbx_ael' ]
  '_91800NXXXXXX' => 1. Dial(${OUTBOUND-TRUNK}/${EXTEN:${OUTBOUND-TRUNKMSD}}) [pbx_ael]

[ Context 'ael-trunklocal' created by 'pbx_ael' ]
  '_9NXXXXXX' =>    1. Dial(${OUTBOUND-TRUNK}/${EXTEN:${OUTBOUND-TRUNKMSD}}) [pbx_ael]

[ Context 'ael-trunkld' created by 'pbx_ael' ]
  '_91NXXNXXXXXX' => 1. Gosub(ael-dundi-e164,~~s~~,1(${EXTEN:1}))  [pbx_ael]
                    2. Dial(${OUTBOUND-TRUNK}/${EXTEN:${OUTBOUND-TRUNKMSD}}) [pbx_ael]

[ Context 'ael-iaxprovider' created by 'pbx_ael' ]

[ Context 'ael-iaxtel700' created by 'pbx_ael' ]
  '_91700XXXXXXX' => 1. Dial(IAX2/${IAXINFO-AEL}@iaxtel.com/${EXTEN:1}@iaxtel) [pbx_ael]

[ Context 'ael-dundi-e164' created by 'pbx_ael' ]
  '~~s~~' =>        1. MSet(LOCAL(exten)=${ARG1})                 [pbx_ael]
                    2. Goto(${exten},1)                           [pbx_ael]
                    3. Return()                                   [pbx_ael]
  Include =>        'ael-builtin-h-bubble'                        [pbx_ael]

[ Context 'ael-dundi-e164-lookup' created by 'pbx_ael' ]
  Include =>        'ael-dundi-e164-local'                        [pbx_ael]
  Include =>        'ael-dundi-e164-switch'                       [pbx_ael]

[ Context 'ael-dundi-e164-switch' created by 'pbx_ael' ]
  Alt. Switch =>    'DUNDi/e164'                                  [pbx_ael]

[ Context 'ael-dundi-e164-local' created by 'pbx_ael' ]
  Include =>        'ael-dundi-e164-canonical'                    [pbx_ael]
  Include =>        'ael-dundi-e164-customers'                    [pbx_ael]
  Include =>        'ael-dundi-e164-via-pstn'                     [pbx_ael]

[ Context 'ael-dundi-e164-via-pstn' created by 'pbx_ael' ]

[ Context 'ael-dundi-e164-customers' created by 'pbx_ael' ]

[ Context 'ael-dundi-e164-canonical' created by 'pbx_ael' ]

-= 49 extensions (96 priorities) in 26 contexts. =-

I tried to clean up other extensions.* files, but there is only more garbage.
Why doesn't Asterisk behave "according to the book"? How to fix?

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[[+comments_count]] answer(s)
Dmitry Shitskov, 2016-07-24

Never use the sample configuration. Immediately after installation, the entire config file should either be moved to the saterisk-sample directory, or completely deleted.
Only those config files should be created in the configuration directory. which you need.
In this case, you have most of your dialplan from extensions.ael.
And what is below, from your features.conf

'701' =>          1. ParkedCall(default,701)                    [res_parking/default]
  '702' =>          1. ParkedCall(default,702)                    [res_parking/default]

  '718' =>          1. ParkedCall(default,718)                    [res_parking/default]
  '719' =>          1. ParkedCall(default,719)                    [res_parking/default]
  '720' =>          1. ParkedCall(default,720)                    [res_parking/default]

Vladimir, 2016-07-25

writes which module created this context
pbx_config - this is from extensions.conf think of
the rest by name

krll-k, 2016-12-04

noload => pbx_ael.so
noload => res_parking.so

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