kunjut192020-05-23 20:30:10
Career in IT
kunjut19, 2020-05-23 20:30:10

Where can you track IT trends around the world?

It would be interesting to know which technologies are more (or less) in demand in any country. For example, knowledge of which JS framework is required most often in Germany. Or what is the most commonly written back-end in Japan. Something like an aggregator of vacancies around the world with its own top queries in each of the countries.

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2 answer(s)
ChernovGV, 2020-05-25

  1. Google trends for assessing the general interest in PL and technologies in the country:
  2. For each country on "local hh.ru" you compare the number of vacancies / resumes

I think for a general presentation of the first point will be enough. It is immediately obvious what is growing and what is fading.

ankomserg, 2020-06-19

You go to LinkedIn, write software developer, choose a country and look for keywords.
Ps Germany is Angular/React less common than Vue. Japan is Java.

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