HaruAtari2014-07-11 19:19:32
Search Engine Optimization
HaruAtari, 2014-07-11 19:19:32

Where can I get the initial content for a thematic resource?

Good afternoon.
There is an idea to rivet a site where to post articles and translations on IT topics. But not broad coverage, but one narrow focus. There is no sensible analogue in Runet. Especially if done wisely.
But the question arises: where to get the content for it? In principle, users will be able to add articles, but this will only work on a site with good traffic. And first you need to create the content yourself.
In one snout, of course, I don’t convey much. Usually in such cases copywriters are hired (or as they are called correctly) and they write articles. But the problem is that you can’t just write deep articles on IT topics just like that. To do this, you need to have experience in this area. And outsourcing their writing does not seem prudent to me.
Can you tell me where I can apply for such a service? And in general, how to get high-quality content?

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4 answer(s)
Puma Thailand, 2014-07-12

you write that outsourcing is not suitable for you, and then write that you want to turn to outsourcing himself.
Sobtvenno any person in the field of IT is ready to write articles for sane money if you are ready to invest, then everything is in your hands.

Denis, 2014-07-11

@HaruAtari at the very initial stage of content, a lot is not needed. Articles 50 - 100. You can master this yourself, or modify the translations of hired copywriters.

Optimus, 2014-07-11
Pyan @marrk2

You can't easily pull the fish out of the pond. You yourself do not want to write and invest money in translation, so you have an unsolvable fork. But I want to upset you even with a large attendance of 10 thousand people a day, you will NOT be sent articles for publication, so immediately get rid of this hope to be honest with yourself :)

lookid, 2014-07-11

If I remember correctly, the habr was promoted for about 2 or 3 years. Thematic forums are usually created either by graduate students who do not really need money. Or by already established companies that can wait 2-3 years until the site is promoted. The author of TechCrunch generally gets up at 5 am to prepare the morning pack of news.
Well, your logic doesn't make sense at all.
Especially if done wisely. And then a typical school thing: where to get content for it? how to do? what to do? Did you wisely decide to approach or whine?

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