Teemon2014-10-12 12:44:54
Teemon, 2014-10-12 12:44:54

Where can I find free libraries and programs to work with modbus?

Looking for free libraries or programs to "integrate" modbus RTU\TCP with programs, ie. libraries, scripts, dlls, etc.
Found more or less suitable, this is:
Nmodbus (library)
Insat MasterOPC (free 32 tags).
Has anyone come across ActiveX, COM components for working with modbus and integration with, for example, excel (VBA)?
Paid - a lot, I can not find free ones.

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1 answer(s)
Teemon, 2014-10-18

True, ActiveX, COM, Excel - it's all paid.
Free - nModbus, from the company ICPDAS, on the ftp server they have libraries and examples for C #, VB .NET.
I'm not a programmer, by and large, but I was able to run a demo and fix a couple of lines of code "for myself" and establish a connection with the modbus emulator)

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