Bloggo1232015-11-12 20:19:54
Bloggo123, 2015-11-12 20:19:54

Where can I find a file that is not visible in the root, but passes the styles to the site?

xn----7sbbtze8aoeh3b.kz/min/serve/g?g=a193065a3052... - this is the file that passes the styles to the site. But we can't find it in the root of the site. As you can see, after the domain comes /min/.... , which is not visible in the root. Who knows what this crap is?
Domain - xn----7sbbtze8aoeh3b.kz

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5 answer(s)
Dimonchik, 2015-11-12

directories in the URL are not equivalent to folders on the server,
since MVC appeared, and indeed since the days of mod_rewrite
, pick the code of the page, source code, see what is connected from where it stretches

Victor, 2015-11-12

this crap is the Cyrillic name of the site.
"Having diminished" (c)
min does not have to be a folder or a file. It is necessary to look at the routing and possible redirect settings on this site.
Well, or find it by searching for such a substring "themes/classic/js/superfish/images/shadow.png"

xmoonlight, 2015-11-12

1. .htaccess
2. index*.php or route*.php in .htaccess and route - open the file and see the code.
PS: it looks like some kind of CSS Minimize with a cache

hostwell, 2015-11-12

To really help you, you need access to the site, at least via ftp. And so no one will tell you anything sensible. There may be a million options.
Look here /themes/classic/css/

xarigul, 2015-11-13

Template files are located in themes/theme_name/, for example: themes/classic/.
So the answer depends on the theme you are using.
To get all the .css you can run find on the host. -name *.css
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