Dmitry2017-02-16 21:53:30
Dmitry, 2017-02-16 21:53:30

Where can I find a "dirty" project in order to learn how to refactor on it?

Hello! Tell me where to find a "dirty" project, and are there any such in the public domain, you need to learn how to refactor on it

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4 answer(s)
Eugene, 2017-02-16

I think the skill of refactoring comes naturally with the practice of writing good code. All that remains to be done is to learn the rules and write quality code. As soon as after that a project with "bad" code is opened for you, your hands will immediately "itch": here is code duplication, here is a long method, and here there are also too many unnecessary local variables ...
PS I guess this is a challenge for the sake of the challenge to find a project under refactoring to improve this skill.
PPS If you dig, you can find a couple of projects where you can endlessly improve the code.

Anton, 2017-02-17

I don't have much programming experience. But in order to develop, you need to write code. Sometimes my code is just disgusting. Therefore, I sit in the evenings and do refactoring. It happens that the project is slightly modified or supplemented.
Here's the field for you: you need to find a beginner and train with him (if you have a lot more experience)

screen_sailor, 2017-02-16

Here are code snippets govnokod.ru

Di-Roll, 2017-02-17

You take the code of any course/thesis project and start refactoring, unless, of course, your hair turns gray right away;)

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