okovalev2018-10-15 19:06:12
C++ / C#
okovalev, 2018-10-15 19:06:12

Where can I find a developer to finalize MicroSIP on Microsoft Visual C++?

I need to improve the auto-dialing feature for MicroSIP, which will help the operator call the contact database.
Field for entering contacts.
Button: Start, Stop
When you press the start button, the program:
1) Calls the first number in the list (if you get through, wait until the end of the conversation)
2) Removes this number from the list.
3) Goes to the first item.
Where to look for a developer? (because the standard approach with fl.ru is great for looking for web developers, but fails for application programming)

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1 answer(s)
Dimonchik, 2018-10-15

upwork, all the same freelance jobs, vacancies like hh.ru

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