Artem Kalachyan2014-08-04 18:52:37
Artem Kalachyan, 2014-08-04 18:52:37

Where and how to start a business card website for an Android developer?

I am not familiar with web programming a little more than completely, so the option: "Write from scratch", I think, disappears (but although ...). So I'm thinking about some ready-made solutions.
That is, 2 options - tell me a ready-made, preferably free, solution (for example, deploy it on a github - and there will be a site bringoff.github.io) or tell us approximately how to write it "with pens", again preferring free options.

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4 answer(s)
sim3x, 2014-08-04

0. gh-pages only statics
1. heroku 5 sites, static content needs to be hosted using the application, no upload of files is provided by clients
2. openshift 3 sites, 1GB for statics and upload of files by clients Own digital ocean
server for $5 -- priceless!

Kolya K, 2014-08-04

I recommend to do on wordpress there are many free templates, which with minimal knowledge of html, css, photoshop can be remade as you like. There are also many plugins and a community that will help in case of problems.

Vitaly Zheltyakov, 2014-08-04

Create a gallery on DA ( http://www.deviantart.com) and don't worry.

Ivan Redun, 2014-08-05

1) www.hostinger.ru - free hosting
2) www.dot.tk - free domain like website.tk
3) CMS - WordPress and also free (by the way, hostinger supports auto installation of this system - you will have to bathe less)
4) wp-templates .ru - free themes for WordPress, downloaded, installed, filled and rejoice)

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