gelerum2021-10-17 10:34:47
gelerum, 2021-10-17 10:34:47

Where and how to add asynchrony to the telegram bot?

Hello, I use the telebot library along with MongoDB

Through GetClient() and GetBot() I communicate with structures of the same name

type client struct {
  client *mongo.Client  // установливаю соединение и не закрываю через другую функцию

The connection to the database is created at the very beginning and is not closed.
func main() {
    telegram.InitBot() // создаю соединение с апи бота 
    storage.InitClient() // создаю соединение с mongodb и добавляю клиент в структуру
    telegram.GetBot().Bot.Handle("/start", telegram.GetBot().HandleStart)

The function below is executed as reported by user /start
func (b *bot) HandleStart(message *tb.Message) {
  b.Bot.Send(message.Sender, "Hello")
  storage.GetClient().CreateUserDocument(message.Sender.ID) // создает документ в бд, если еще не существует с таким id пользователя

This is how I create a document with an initial structure and a user id, if no such id has already been created:
func (c client) CreateUserDocument(chatID int) {
  coll := c.client.Database("db").Collection("users")
  count, _ := coll.CountDocuments(context.TODO(), bson.D{{"chatID", chatID}})
  if count != 1 {
    document := bson.D{{"chatID", chatID}, {"expenses", bson.A{}}, {"income", bson.A{}}}
    coll.InsertOne(context.TODO(), document)

How can I optimize this code and where can I add async? This is not the entire code of the project, other requests to the database are made for other bot commands.

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1 answer(s)
Evgeny Mamonov, 2021-10-17

You can make the bot work through webhooks, then each request will be initially processed in a separate gorutin.
Plus, with this approach, you can horizontally scale the load, i.e. run the bot on several servers and send requests to them through some kind of balancer.

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