felony13twelve2019-12-03 23:24:45
felony13twelve, 2019-12-03 23:24:45

When will the reward button appear?

Please tell me, the admins are going to make a button like a reward for the answer? Or will they do it at all? Maybe someone knows something?

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5 answer(s)
Saboteur, 2019-12-04

There is already such a button, it is on the freelance exchange. They get paid to solve problems.
Here is a resource so that users can simply help each other. You have, for example, 12 questions 2 answers. Are you willing to pay for answers? If you are ready, just ask questions on the freelance exchange.

GavriKos, 2019-12-03

Any introduction of financial processes a priori increases the complexity and responsibility of the platform. If you want to thank someone - write to him in a personal.

xmoonlight, 2019-12-03

I believe that it is necessary to introduce a fee for answers when it will be possible to draw up a correct system for assessing the quality of such an answer by professionals, which does not depend on the system of this service - blockchain.
If anyone has done it, please provide a link!

Sergey Gornostaev, 2019-12-04

On Habré, they don’t seem to use this button, so they won’t be here either.

CityCat4, 2019-12-04

What? What "reward"? Tyrnet is full of services of paid answers to questions, RFPro (the former RusFak, on which I once starred directly ...), for example.

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