Ayan Bai2016-03-19 15:17:02
Ayan Bai, 2016-03-19 15:17:02

When the Internet is disconnected, I can not connect via nodejs to mongodb. Where is the mistake?

I connect through the console without any problems, but when I start the application it gives an error:

Error Connecting to database: { [MongoError: getaddrinfo ENOENT localhost:27017]
  name: 'MongoError',
  message: 'getaddrinfo ENOENT localhost:27017' }

Monoga connection string:
db: 'mongodb://' + (process.env.DB_PORT_27017_TCP_ADDR || 'localhost') + '/mean-dev',

Interestingly, when there is Internet on the computer, the node connects, and when I disconnect, it gives the error above.
Here is what I get when I start mongo without internet:
And here is what I get when I start mongo with internet:
WTF ? Why doesn't it work without internet?
I have everything offline. I use full stack

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1 answer(s)
Alexey Ukolov, 2016-03-19

message: 'getaddrinfo ENOENT localhost:27017'
"Can't get DNS for localhost domain - no internet."
In theory, for a localhost, there should be no recourse to DNS. Apparently, it is not registered in your hosts.
Change localhost to and it should work.

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