irina-stolyarova112021-09-06 13:31:49
irina-stolyarova11, 2021-09-06 13:31:49

When should GORM be used?

Found on ORM under Golang. Can you please tell me in what cases it is worth using GORM?

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2 answer(s)
Yuriy Vorobyov, 2021-09-06

In general, it depends on the project.
But true go-developers say that any ORMs violate the concept of the language, because everything depends on the use of the reflect package, and it is better to use naked drivers
. If the reflect package does not bother you, then use the ORM, however, you should be aware of some overhead

Stanislav Bodrov, 2021-09-06

When should GORM be used?
When I despaired of working with some specialized driver for the selected database. Many bases have a bunch of other ORMs. Some come in, some just turn out with their syntax or work (my db didn’t transfer krakozyabry from UTF to the database, I had to look for a replacement)

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