maxshkiv2018-03-23 02:44:11
maxshkiv, 2018-03-23 02:44:11

When downloading files from a browser, a left-handed site opens?

Hello, there was a problem with downloading files from any browsers (most likely a problem with a virus), but I tried to find them through the antivirus - again, I made sure that the antivirus did not solve anything (deleted it). I reinstalled the browser and it was ok for 10 minutes, but then the problem appeared again. Throws on a non-existent site "tindoro.ru" in tyrnets there is no information about this site, please help. Rollback of the system is unfortunately not possible.

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1 answer(s)
Eugene, 2018-03-23

Boot from the flash drive and scan the CureIt computer. Dig into your profile folder. As a rule, such viruses create folders there from random letters and numbers. Look with the help of Autoruns what is in autoload.

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